- Passons Noël ensemble.
- D’habitude je le passe chez mes parents mais je suis très content que tu me le proposes.
- Nous achèterons les cadeaux ensemble.
- Nous cuisinerons ensemble.
- Les enfants dormiront dans la même chambre.
- Ils ouvriront leurs cadeaux ensemble.
- Let’s spend Christmas together.
- Usually, I spend Christmas with my parents but I’m so glad you asked.
- We’ll buy presents together.
- We’ll cook together.
- Children will sleep in the same bedroom.
- They’ll open their presents together.
Noël (masc.) : Christmas.
D’habitude : usually.
Passer : to spend.
Content : glad.
Proposer : to propose, to ask.
Chambre (fém.) : bedroom.
Here we have our first future forms. We are talking about upcoming events.
The French future tense is quite easy to conjugate.
Look at these verbs with attention.

You can notice by now that with pronoun nous, the future tense ends with –ons.
Nous achèterons, nous cuisinerons
And with ils, it ends with –ont :
Les enfants dormiront, ils ouvriront

And the good news is that these grammar endings are the same for every verb of every group.

That’s it for today !
Translate in English :
1. D’habitude je dis non.
2. Passons le week-end ensemble.
3. Je suis très content de te voir.
4. Les enfants dormiront.
5. Les parents cuisineront.
6. Nous proposerons quelque chose.
7. Nous ouvrirons les cadeaux.

What do you understand ?

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