- Fini le travail le dimanche ?- En Janvier, c’est fini.
- Je vous ai préparé un repas sans gluten.
- Comme c’est gentil, ça !
- Une salade de concombre. Un ragoût de mouton aux carottes avec du riz ou de la purée.
- Et en dessert ?
- Une salade de fruits : pomme, kiwi, ananas.
- Je suis ravi que l’on déjeune ensemble.
- Quelque chose me dit que ce n’est pas la dernière fois.
- Et si on faisait une petite promenade au bois cet après-midi ?
- Is working on Sunday finished ?
- In January, it’s finished.
- I made you a No-gluten meal.
- How nice of you !
- A cucumber salad. A lamb stew with carots with rice or mash potatoes.
- And for dessert ?
- A fruit salad : apple, kiwi, ananas.
- I’m so glad we can eat together.
- Something tells me it’s not the last time.
- What about a nice walk on the wood this afternoon ?
- Is working on Sunday finished ?
- In January, it’s finished.
- I made you a No-gluten meal.
- How nice of you !
- A cucumber salad. A lamb stew with carots with rice or mash potatoes.
- And for dessert ?
- A fruit salad : apple, kiwi, ananas.
- I’m so glad we can eat together.
- Something tells me it’s not the last time.
- What about a nice walk on the wood this afternoon ?
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Préparer : to prepare. Concombre (masc.) : cucumber. Ragoût (masc.) : stew. Mouton (masc.) : lamb. Carotte (fém.) : carott. Riz (masc.) : rice. Purée (fém.) : mash potato. Kiwi (masc.) : kiwi. Ananas (masc.) : Ananas. Promenade (fém.) : walk. |
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In English, if you want to precise what sort of salade you’re speaking of,
you put the noun that gives some precisions before the main noun :
a cucumber salad, a fruit salad.
In French, we can’t do that. To complete a noun with some precisions, we often use an other noun or a verb but we relate them to the main noun with a preposition (most of the time à, de ou en). That’s why we say :
salade de concombre, salade de fruits.
In this lesson, we have a few examples :
Un repas sans gluten
Un ragoût de mouton aux carottes |
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Translate in French : 1. A cucumber salad. 2. Working on Sunday is finished. 3. I made you a fruit salad with ananas, kiwis and bananas. Translate in English : 1. Je ne travaille plus le dimanche. 2. Un ragoût de mouton aux champignons. 3. Et si on faisait du shopping cet après-midi ? Champignon (masc.) : mushroom. Shopping (masc.) : shopping. What do you understand ? Answers |