- Parle-moi un peu de ton travail.- A l’hôpital ? Un hôpital est un monde de fou. C’est si grand que je ne connais pas toutes les infirmières de mon étage.
- Mais tu aimes ce boulot ?
- J’adore ce boulot. Il est parfois difficile de voir ces gosses qui sont allergiques à tant de choses : blé, lait, œufs, noix.
- Cette situation est très difficile. Je connais un élève qui est allergique au travail. Tu peux faire quelque chose pour lui ?
- Tell me a little about your work.
- At the hospital ? An hospital is a crazy world. It’s so big that I don’t know each nurse on my floor.
- But do you like that job ?
- I love that job. Sometimes it’s difficult to see those kids who are allergic to so many things : wheat, milk, eggs, nut.
- That situation is very difficult. I know a student who’s allergic to work. Can you do something for him ?
- Tell me a little about your work.
- At the hospital ? An hospital is a crazy world. It’s so big that I don’t know each nurse on my floor.
- But do you like that job ?
- I love that job. Sometimes it’s difficult to see those kids who are allergic to so many things : wheat, milk, eggs, nut.
- That situation is very difficult. I know a student who’s allergic to work. Can you do something for him ?
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Travail (masc.) : work. Monde (masc.) : world. Fou : crazy, mad. Etage (masc.) : floor. Boulot (masc.) : job. Difficile : difficult. Gosse (masc.) : kid, brat. Lait (masc.) : milk. Œuf (masc.) : egg. Situation (fém.) : situation. Elève (masc.) : student, pupil. |
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Œuf that becomes œufs at plural form is quite a tricky word when you want to pronounce
it. At singular form, you pronunce the f but not anymore at plural form.
In French, we have differents ways to say this and that . The demonstrative determinants must agree in gender and number with the noun they modify: 1. With a masculine and singular noun, we’ll use : ce.
Tu aimes ce boulot ?
Attention ! If the word following the determinant begins with a voyel or an unpronounced h, we won’t use ce anymore but cet instead.
Cet enfant est beau.
2. With a feminine and singular noun, we’ll use : cette.
Cette situation est très difficile.
3. With plural noun, we’ll always use : ces
Ces gosses, ces garçons, ces filles
We can stress the word with suffixes like –ci (that means here) and –là (that means there). We add them after the noun with a hyphen.
Ce garçon-là (that boy), cette personne-ci (this person), ces personnes-là (those persons). |
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Translate in French : 1. Do you like your job ? 2. I don’t know every doctor in that hospital. 3. I can’t eat milk and eggs. Translate in English : 1. Un lycée est aussi un monde fou. 2. Il est difficile d’élever un enfant seul. 3. Je peux faire quelque chose pour vous. |