- Nous allons habiter à Paris. Il me faudra un peu plus de temps pour aller au travail mais pas trop parce que je prendrai le RER. Mais quelle joie d'habiter avec Jean et Suzanne, non ?- Oui !
- Tu veux m’aider à faire les cartons ?
- D’accord.
- Si tu mettais toutes tes peluches ensemble, nous ne les perdrions pas. Si on enveloppait les jouets fragiles dans du papier, ils ne se casseraient pas. Et si on jetait les jouets abîmés, on aurait moins de cartons à transporter.
- Pas mon Doudou !
- We’re going to live in Paris. It’s going to take me a little more time to go to work but not so much because I’ll take the RER. But what a joy to live with Jean and Suzanne, isn’t it ?
- Yes !
- Do you want to help me pack ?
- Ok.
- If you put all your animals together we wouldn’t loose them. If we wrapped your fragile toys in paper, they wouldn’t break. And if we threw your damaged toys away, we would have less boxes to carry.
- Not my Doudou !
- We’re going to live in Paris. It’s going to take me a little more time to go to work but not so much because I’ll take the RER. But what a joy to live with Jean and Suzanne, isn’t it ?
- Yes !
- Do you want to help me pack ?
- Ok.
- If you put all your animals together we wouldn’t loose them. If we wrapped your fragile toys in paper, they wouldn’t break. And if we threw your damaged toys away, we would have less boxes to carry.
- Not my Doudou !
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Faire les cartons : to pack. Peluche (fém.) : cuddly toy, stuffed animal, animal. Mettre ensemble, rassembler, assembler : to put together. Envelopper : to wrap. Casser : to break. Jeter : to throw, to throw away. Abîmer : to damage. Abîmé, abîmée : damaged. Carton (masc.) : box, cardboard. Transporter : to carry. |
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Just notice in this lessons the numerous si clauses : - Si tu mettais toutes tes peluches ensemble, nous ne les perdrions pas. - Si on enveloppait les jouets fragiles dans du papier, ils ne se casseraient pas. - Et si on jetait les jouets abîmés, on aurait moins de cartons à transporter. They all obey the same scheme we saw in last lesson : si + imparfait, then a verb at the conditional mood. We will train together and you will soon get used to such sentences. |
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RER means Réseau Express Régional. It’s the rapid-transit rail system in the Paris region. There are five lines named with letters : A, B, C, D and E. Each line crosses the city almost exclusively underground then it rises to the surface and deserves the suburbs. It’s a fast way to cross Paris and a practical way to go to quite distant towns such as Cergy-Pontoise or Marne La Vallée. Click on the image below to see the RER map. |
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Translate in English : 1. Si nous avions une grande maison, nous inviterions tous nos amis. 2. Si Suzanne voulait apprendre à lire, je l’aiderais. 3. Si je prenais le RER, j’irais plus vite au travail. Translate in French : 1. If I had a new computer, I could work. 2. If only I found this book about art, I would be very happy. 3. I would go to Australia if I had to choose.