- Alors, tu veux en savoir plus sur moi ?
Je m’appelle Jean, ça tu le sais déjà.
Je suis divorcé et j’ai une fille.
Je suis docteur. Je suis allergologue à l’hôpital Georges Pompidou à Paris.
J’habite dans le 14ème arrondissement.
J’aime la musique (je joue du piano) et j’aime me promener dans les rues de Paris.
- So, do you want to know more about me ?
My name is Jean, that you already know.
I’m divorced and I have a daughter.
I’m a docteur. I’m an allergist at the Georges Pompidou hospital, in Paris.
I live in the 14th arrondissement.
I love music (I play the piano) and I like wandering the streets of Paris.
Allergologue is useful here but you don’t have to remember it.
Plus : more.
Savoir : to know.
Divorcé, divorcée : divorced.
Docteur : doctor, physician.
Hôpital (masc.) : hospital.
Arrondissement (masc.) : arrondissement.
Musique (fémc.) : music.
Piano (masc.) : piano.
Se promener : to walk, to walk around, to wander.
à is a really useful and really used preposition. It can be followed by a determinant and a noun, the name of a city, a verb at the infinitive form.

It may have very different meanings. In this lesson, it expresses location. It can be translated by in or at. We’ll meet other meanings later.
Je suis docteur à l’hôpital Georges Pompidou à Paris.
We often use it with specific verbs, as travailler.

Dans is a another useful preposition. It can often be translated by in. In this lesson, in both exemples dans
express physical location.
J’aime me promener dans les rues de Paris.
J’habite dans le 14ème arrondissement.

It’s always followed by a determinant and a noun. We always use it with specific verbs.
For example, se promener or habiter - as long as we don’t say the name of the city. In this case, we’d say : J’habite à Paris, j’habite à Lyon, j’habite à Marseille.
But the rest of the time, we say : J’habite dans le 14ème arrondissement, j’habite dans un appartement.

Circonflex accent is a specific french sign. We find it with vowels only : a, e, i, o and u. Sometimes it indicate a slight difference in the prononciation of the vowel but most of the time it’s there for an etymologic reason (as in hôpital) and has no influence on the prononciation. So don’t let it be a problem.
Arrondissement, may be a hard word to learn but it would be quite useful if you’d plan to visit the country. Indeed, Paris is divided into 20 arrondissements and you’d hear this word every day.

In this picture 16e Arrt means 16th arrondissement.
Translate in French :
1. I work at the Lariboisière hospital, in Paris.
2. You’re a good doctor.
3. Are you divorced ?

Translate in English :
1. J’ai une fille et un fils.
2. J’aime être à Paris.
3. Nous sommes docteurs à Paris. © 2010–